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Connecting You to the Birthplace of Karate & Kobudo Since 1992. Martial Arts for Kids and Adults.
The many great benefits that people get from attending karate lessons are too enticing that often times, people consider enrolling in them without having much thought. Choosing the right online program is going to be extremely important. ‍If you learn via 1 on 1 you'll want a Skype or Video Chat instructor which could prove much more expensive than the typical Karate class.

Online Karate Lessons Costs

As much as you would want to stay at home and be productive in you Karate training, some things just can’t be delivered as great as you would have hoped it would be. Karate lessons are becoming a hot trend as of lately. The many great benefits that people get from attending karate lessons are too enticing that often times, people consider enrolling in them without having much thought. Choosing the right online martial arts program is going to be extremely important.

If you learn via 1 on 1 you'll want a Skype or Video Chat instructor which could prove much more expensive than the typical Karate class. Conversely, if you want to participate in a class setting online, there is no going back or asking questions when you miss something and often because filmed live broadcast, there isn't a hosted recording.

When I build our Online Karate Program on NKKF, I just made instructional video to the best of my ability. At first we hosted 2 live lessons a week in addition, but attendance was typically pretty small and many said they would just rather watch later than being tied to a schedule.

In summary, choose what's right for you. Our Karate program is only $8.99 per month currently and is hosted video tutorials. Other Dojo are charging upwards of $99 per month for more hands on Video Conferencing options to keep the lights on in the main building. If money isn't an issue for you, this training may be better for learning the nuances of Karate.

Make sure you grab one of the 11 Best Karate Gi Brands so you can look and feel the part even though practicing at home!

Considering Online Karate Lessons?

online Karate Lessons

If you’re also among the many others who are thinking of attending karate lessons but you’re too lazy to go outside or there are just too many things that are keeping you from going out, then the thought of online karate lessons have probably already crossed your mind.

Many people are more inspired to practice martial arts now more than ever due to the Cowboy Bebop Live Action Movie and the Cobra Kai Series (Eagle Fang).

What are online karate lessons? Well, online karate lessons are just like any other form of karate classes BUT done in a virtual manner. While there are many advantages of attending online karate lessons, the question is - Are they really worth the money?

If you want to spend on something, of course, it is only natural to ask whether it would be worth the money. You’re just being practical. To help you determine whether your money will be put to good use, here are some things to clear your mind.

Are Online Karate Lessons Worth the Money?

When considering to attend karate lessons, you must know first which type of Karate you want to learn. In any form of fighting lessons, may it be Chinese martial arts or karate, you can only effectively learn the art if you do it with a sparring partner. Although there are so many resources that you can find online, those are not comparable to actual lessons done with an instructor or sparring partner.

Advantages of Online Karate Lessons


Online karate lessons give people attending them the flexibility to train whenever and wherever they want. If you have no time to practice in the morning, you can do it whenever you’re free. Aside from this, you can also take a pause whenever you feel the need to.


Because you’re only attending lessons through virtual means, you won’t have to spend a lot of money for your transportation. It would also be totally up to you if you would want to get yourself a karate gi or you would just use any clothes that are comfortable for you to use. Aside from this, most paid karate lessons give you lifetime access which would allow you to learn the lessons at your own pace.

online karate lessons

Disadvantages of Online Karate Lessons

While the advantages of online karate lessons may seem much, would it really outweigh the biggest disadvantage of attending online karate lessons?

Online karate lessons may give you the flexibility, and save you money, buut the biggest take would be - You would never be able to maximize the lessons offered by online classes. If you’re looking to become a renowned karate fighter, you won’t be able to become one by just attending online karate lessons.

Those are just good if you would be learning fighting styles that don’t need any sparring partners. And even if that was the case, you won’t really be able to apply much of what you’ve learned in actual fight environments.

The final verdict? Depending on your priorities, online karate lessons may or may not be worth the money. But, whether it’s effective or not? You should think otherwise.

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Martial Arts Programs Online and Karate Training

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Online Karate Lessons and Martial Arts Classes

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Premium Memberships Unlock Hidden Content including All Levels of Training Videos (White Belt to Black Belt), The History Section, Work Out Instructions, Testing Requirements, The Ability to Test for Rankings, Weapons (RyuKyu Kobudo) Training Instructional Videos, Iaido (Sword) Instructional Training Videos, Self Defense Videos, and the ability to Join Our World Renowned Tournament Team.

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Colton Woodard and Rika Usami Karate Japan WKF

About the Author:
Colton Woodard is a 7th Degree Black Belt in Kuniba Kai Karate Do and holds the title of Kyoshi as well. He loves to teach Karate, Kobudo, and Iaido and considers himself a lifetime student in pursuit of self improvement in both Martial Arts and in Character. Colton loves to visit Japan and speaks conversational Japanese and can write quite a few Kanji. He is a Karate competitor and coach and loves to exercise and make new memories with people all over the world.


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