Welcome to our beginner course. This course features a complete overview of step by step instructions on how to do every Karate technique, the Kata for each belt, self defense and even Bo and Sai tutorials. If you enjoy this course, consider upgrading to a full membership for even more in depth programs as well as regularly uploaded supllementary lessons.
Beginning your Karate Training may seem like a daunting task, but try to watch the courses and follow along. It is a great idea to also add in adequate practice of the basics of each level before continuing to the next.
Typically it takes the average person 3 years to achieve black belt by mastering the basic karate techniques and katas, honing skills to a flawless and effortless level.
All of the information you need to begin and master your karate training to first degree black belt is taught in this course, but adequate training must be applied to create a dynamic and functional martial art.
If you would like to book a private lesson via skype, please email your interest ti honbu@nkkf.org
Requirements, Syllabus, Database, & Master Class Videos.
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